Aupon a time a young mother to be sat up in bed anxiously awaiting her unborn baby girl's arrival. Not knowing how her birth plan was going to unravel, or how to care for her new little angel, she nested and prepared as best she could. From what to expect baby books, to internet trending gifts, she did the best she could. Time passed ever so slowly and eventually arrival day came! What she did not expect was her body had major complications and out went her birth plan along with her baby girl via C section. When she first laid her eyes on her angel, she felt as if she was complete and nothing else mattered. After a week in the hospital they were able to transition home yet she continued having medical problems post delivery following the years after, eventually she became unable to carry more children on her own. The little childhood girl in her who wanted 5 children learned to cope with not being able to carry again. Her miracle baby girl was by her side. They began their journey adventuring out into the world. She realized life with a baby required much more planning and packing. Not knowing what she will need, she packed EVERYTHING. This created anxiety and chaos of having so many items to do so many things. She paused asking herself, why can't the bare essentials do multiple things and still look chic? Out of necessity of function and the desire of fashion, ZALAMOON was born. Shortly after she started hosting popup shops, making gifts for her new mom friends to enjoy on their fun adventures. As a new nursing mother she created the ZALAMOON Tie Nursing Shawl. This Tie option catered to her choice to cover or uncover when nursing depending on her mood. She discovered a wonderful surprise realization in the creation of this tie shawl. The world we live in is incredibly busy and fast paced at times can be over whelming for new mom learning to feed and getting to know her baby. It also could be challenging at times to settle her baby down with all of life's distractions when she was on the go. Her new creation gave her instant power to SHUT OUT the busy world by simply wrapping around her and her baby allowing her to take a pause on life to connect and bond with her baby while still having the option to untie and keep the shawl open when desired. Realizing it wasn't about being covered or uncovered as she does both when desired, it was about feeling confident to face and embrace this modern face paced NEW world with power and comfort anytime and where. Once launched, she started hearing other mothers thank her for her products as they too where benefitting of slowing down life when they wrapped themself up in her products, giving them instant control while shutting out the world. This created calmness and power within. Today her family company has grown into a brand uniting all mothers to walk together in life with confidence and style. Located in the beach side of Los Angeles California, we take pride is sharing our goods with all of you supporting as mothers to create peace within.